This is the homework breakdown for our ELA class this year:
Spelling: Students have received their words for the entire year. This updated list can be found in the TOTO Folder. We will start studying List 1 on Monday. We will study each list for two weeks. Students should select one homework option from the list of choices (also on the word list in their TOTO Folder) for each list. Homework for spelling List 1 will be due September 12th.
1. Students should read from a "just right" book for at least 30 minutes each night and record it on their reading log. A "just right" book is not too easy or too hard. If a book is "just right" your child will read about one page per minute. Look at your child's log to see how they are doing. We will collect the logs every two weeks.
***We are also asking that your child read one book at a time from cover to cover. They should either take a book from home back and forth to school, or a book from school back and forth to home.
2. Students should complete the Brainbuilder each week. It is a mini comprehension test that is aligned with the new standards. It will give you a glimpse of your child's ability to understand what they read, but please be mindful that it is much shorter than the assessment passages used in class.
Each Brainbuilder consists of a short passage and is followed by several questions. Tips are provided and students are highly encouraged to use strategies learned in class (We've already learned the BAM! strategy so be sure to ask your child about it). These will be distributed each Friday and will be due the following Friday. We passed out the first one today and it will be due September 5th.
3. Reading Bingo is a fun way to make sure your child is reading a variety of books. This overlaps with the reading they are already doing. Check this week's newsletter and an upcoming blog post for more info on this fun accountability system!
Skills: Students will get a skill packet every two weeks. We will discuss the skills in class and complete a portion of the skill packet each morning. Students are encouraged to study the packet for the skill quiz, but they should not work ahead to complete it at home. The skill quiz will be taken with the spelling quiz every other Friday. Students will get their first skill packet on Monday, and it will go back and forth in their TOTO Folder. The first skill quiz will be on September 12th.
Please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns. :) Enjoy the long weekend! We hope it's a relaxing one for your family.