Thursday, August 28, 2014

Starting the Year off "Just Right"

Welcome readers!  We are so excited to embark on this year-long journey with you.  Our classroom library is packed with books, anxiously awaiting to be read, but as readers we know we must make smart choices about the books we choose.  Studies show, to grow as readers we need to be given lots of opportunities for high success reading.  This means we must read "just right" books.  Much like Goldilocks, we are looking for that perfect fit; books that are not too easy and not too hard.  In class we have discussed the signs that a book is "just right" for us and have hung a chart as a reminder.  A general rule of thumb is that we should be able to read approximately 3/4 of a page a minute. 
By looking at the # of pages read and minutes read,
we can tell this book is a "just right" fit.
Our reading logs are an excellent tool in allowing us to monitor and assess our habits as readers.  Make sure to log your in class and leisure reading each day. We want to make
reading the best it can be this year! 

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