Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fantastic Fables: Sample Teacher Video

Our persuasive writing unit project is nearing completion.  We have studied the way the writers of ancient and modern fables have used the art of persuasion to convince readers to make good choices and have good character.  Groups in both classes have carefully designed and planned their own original fables focused around a moral, or persuasive lesson.  They have also designed puppet figures and backgrounds, drawing on teamwork and active listening skills acquired in our second step lessons.  Enjoy this sample video by the teachers, but be sure to check back next week for some photos of the students working together to develop ideas.  You'll also be able to watch their fantastic fables right here on the blog!  Don't miss it!


  1. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  2. That was funny! I cannot wait until group 2 am class can do it on monday.
    I hope my group those a good job.

    number 11 from am class

  3. The videow was very good kenzie love it

  4. from thomas the fantastic fables video is awsome

  5. me thomas i played hellping verbs verb power!

  6. mrs z, I like the way you did your voice by jordan
