If you were in attendance last Thursday night at Open House, you got a chance to see that Spidey has slung some webs around some new vocabulary words from our Text Talk series. (They are the bold words in the summary that follows.) Our first story told the tale of a dog named Montezuma who is in MISERY about being left home alone, so he plots to get REVENGE to teach his family a lesson. He utilizes the help of a mangy old dog named Wild Bill, whose crazy appearance completely MESMERIZES him. Wild Bill isn't the best house guest and when the family returns, they are FRUSTRATED to see what has happened. They attempt to COAX Montezuma out of his favorite hiding spot, only to find Wild Bill has taken up residence in their home. They immediately REGRET not taking Montezuma with them on vacation and vow to make things different.
We brought our words to life by brainstorming scenarios that matched each word, before illustrating some of our favorites in partner pairs. Some of the following pictures were held up in front of the class and students had to guess the corresponding word. Take a look at some of our illustrations and see if you can guess which word fits each situation.
Situation One: A girl goes in her backyard and finds a cake so large it has a ladder so you can cut a slice from the top. In fact, it's bigger than her house!

The girl is MESMERIZED by the size of the cake in her yard.
Situation Two: A boy is gently calling out to his dog and is even offering him a little chew toy.

The boy is COAXING the dog.
Situation Three: A boy is building an Eiffel Tower replica out of crayons, when a careless classmate slams the door shut. The tower falls apart.

The boy is FRUSTRATED that his classmate slammed the door and ruined his tower.
Situation Four: A boy has just finished a race that he was sure he would win. He has earned a medal for third place. He wishes he had trained harder so he could have won.

The boy REGRETS taking a few days off during his training for the race.
Situation Five: A girl's cousin scares her. The girl is mad and tells her cousin she will get back at her.

The girl wants to get REVENGE on her cousin.
Situation Six: A girl has been up all night and hasn't gotten any sleep because the a.c. is broken in her room.

The girl is in misery because she is so sweaty and tired.
Looks like you are really using some superhero vocabulary. Great work!